10 Ways To Turn Negative Thoughts Into Positive

Negative thoughts drain energy and make it possible for you to focus on your work. So, how do you reduce negative thoughts or how not to think negatively.

Negative thinking is like a small ball rolling on the ground. As you roll, it becomes bigger and moves faster – the more you focus on these negative thoughts, the stronger they will become.

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Here are 10 best tips for preventing and overcoming your negative thoughts,

  1. Thinking Questions:

What is negative thinking? This is a bad way of thinking before anything. When there are many thoughts growing in your mind, one of the things you need todo is ask the question: “Should I really care, worry about them”?

Sometimes this question will help you realize that just because you’ve made a small mistake doesn’t mean you’re a poor person. Or if you have a towel, it doesn’t mean things will go bad for a long time. You can see this if you always keep an optimistic outlook on life.

2. Don’t Think About It Too Much:

How to stop negative thinking? To prevent a negative thought in your mind, find a way to face the problem as soon as possible. You can do that by asking yourself a question like, “Does this bother you for 5 years, 5 weeks, or even 5days?” In most cases, the answer to this is no. The more you think about it, the more you’re turning a small mound into a big mountain.

3. How Not To Think Negatively: Share With Someone

Positive thinking contributes to the treatment of cervical cancer. Discuss the situation or express your feelings and thoughts to someone close to you. Just a few minutes of sharing can help you find a solution

4. Live For Reality:

Negative thoughts create anxiety even if things haven’t happened yet. It is important that you get rid of those thoughts and live in reality. Do something that makes you focus your mind and take a little time at the present moment, naturally you will get rid of negative thoughts and become open.

5. Start Your Day With Positive Thoughts:

The way you start your day will affect your mind for an entire day. If you start your day with an optimistic spirit, you can easily overcome negative thoughts for the rest of the day.
Some simple ways to get an optimistic start to the day:
A simple reminder after waking up: it may be some famous saying that inspires you. Or maybe it’s something related to the desires and passions in your life.
You can write it down or enter your phone.

Listen to the radio or read a chapter in a book that you think will motivate you.
Have a good time with your friends, co-workers, or spouse.
How to get rid of negative thoughts?
Just focus on the breath, take a deep breath and exhale through your nose. You shouldn’t think about anything other than feeling the air coming in and out.
I care about the things around me. Take a 1-2 minute break and take everything out of your head, then pay attention to what’s going on around you, you can focus on the passer-by outside the window, the noise from the street, the scent or the warm sun that’s shining on your skin.
In short, being an optimist and making mistakes is sometimes better than being a pessimist and always right

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6. Create a Distraction:

Create a distraction to make yourself stop thinking. For example, when thoughts start to start, such as, “Why do I get so little voice in a play in front of everyone?” or “I’ll never get promoted if my boss doesn’t give me more work” or “She has more free time than me.” Immediately turn your attention to something else like reading or watching something funny or suspenseful, listening to a powerful emotional song, meeting a friend for tea, exercising that increases your heart rate. Do whatever it takes as long as it’s harmless and can attract you. Sometimes you can also stop thinking too much by getting up and leaving your seat

7. Tell Your Best Friend To Stop Thinking Too Much Negatively:

Another strategy in the way of not thinking negatively is to use the “stop” technique. You’ll think, say, or even yell at yourself, “Stop!” or “No!” when you find yourself thinking too much. One person shared that she often thinks of the red background “STOP” table with prominent white text whenever the thought flow is not or signs of encroaching on the mind.

Think about something else like a list of things to shop for or an upcoming tourist destination you want to go to and figure out every step in detail to get there. This requires you to use your mental strength, and it’s actually very useful in many situations.

8. Take Time To Reflect:

Meditation is one of the ways in which you can channel your thoughts and
adjust your mood. Every day spend thirty minutes at times when you feel your mind is perfectly at ease talking to yourself about what you’ve done or needs to do.

Accordingly, when you feel negative thoughts that are too stressful and torn your mood, you can honestly say to yourself, “I can stop now, because I will have the opportunity to think about this later.” When you’re just starting out, you’ll find it a little difficult to force yourself to think about something. But when you do, you will gradually get used to and realize that your work after careful thought has developed in a better direction and has far fewer consequences than before.

9. Express Mood:

Reach out to someone who is listening, empathetic, and trustworthy to share your thoughts and troubles. Simple private conversations between two people will instantly help you to be somewhat transparent and erase negative emotions. The people you choose to talk to will help you realize that your problems may not be as severe as you might think, or that you may realize the futileness of jealousy when your friend has a very nice mother or in fact, the beauty queen is not as perfect as you thought.
However, you will have some difficulties when implementing this strategy: One is that you must choose your partner carefully. The person must be able to think objectively, not make you feel worse, or end the conversation by contemplating with you.
Second, don’t abuse your emotional opportunities. If you raise too many negative thoughts, you can make people feel so exhausted that they will stay away from you.

10. Writing:

Writing down your thoughts is considered a very effective mental treatment. You can write anywhere from notebooks, magazines or manuscripts on your computer. Writing down your reflections can help you rearrange your thoughts, understand your heart better when rereading what you just wrote, and observing things you weren’t aware of before. Let the negative thoughts written spill over on paper so you can calmly re-read and find a solution to overcome difficulties.

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